Lessons From The Bees
Scientists say Bumble bees should not be able to fly; they aren’t made for it. Their bodies are too big and their wings are too small. Yet they do. They possess what is necessary for their purpose. Even though, to us, it makes no sense and should not be possible.
As I watched the bees on the flowers in my garden, I was reminded of a few things. I was reminded that God makes sure everything is fed. Matthew 6:26-29 speaks of this. The bees eat the nectar of the flowers. And they use their food to make honey, but that’s not all —in the process of their eating, they also pollinate the flowers, fruit and vegetable plants. Without the bees, there would be no fruits or vegetables, no honey for us to enjoy either. So I’m not going to bother the bees. Instead, I will say thank you to the bees for their work and thank you to God for this amazing creation of Yours.
Job 12:7-8 tells us, “But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; And let the fish of the sea declare to you.” In addition to being reminded of God’s providence and creativity, I have received wise counsel and instruction by observing them. I was shown four lessons that are principles we would be blessed to strive for and live by. Let us “observe their ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6b).
1) No Fear Most insects and animals are much bigger than bees, but the bees do not let that stop them, and they are not afraid to contend for a place in the garden. 2Timothy 1:7 tells us, “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.” We as children of God must also fight the good fight and contend for the faith. We, like the bees, must feed off the sweet nectar of God’s Word, that we may be sustained and pollinate the hearts of man. It is in this we bring glory to God. We cannot let persecution and the world scare us away from the garden that is mankind.
2) Faith “I can fly, and so I will!” Nothing about a bee says they can fly, but they do. In a sense, they have faith. They believe they can fly, and so they do. Nothing about your circumstances may sow hope, but that is okay. We are not called to look for hope in our circumstances. We are called to look for hope in Jesus Christ. He is the hope within a hopeless situation. God can deliver you out of anything, but that may not always mean what you think it does. Sometimes, His deliverance allows us to endure that which seems insurmountable, but one thing we can rest assured of—whether He delivers you from or keeps you within, His grace is sufficient. Remember, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). This is a faith mindset. Faith is an outlook cultivated by the Word of God. By faith we see things as God declares them—not how the world understands them and not how our circumstances depict them.
3) Love Yourself “So what my legs are short, my body too wide in comparison to my length, and my wings are too tiny.” Human beings are the crown of God’s creation. You are created in the image of God. I realize evolution can make our existence seem like chance. To some people, we humans are are the equal to or less than animals. But when you ignore the image of God within us, you diminish the sanctity of human life along with our inherent worth and purpose. God’s Word tells us, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14). Believing this—really trusting it—could change the way we see ourselves and others. Let us look and determine our worth through the eyes of the One who made us and loves us and calls us His own. It is my hope that in this, you will find the validation, love, and acceptance we long for. “To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He has made us accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:6).
4) Work Hard “You are as busy as a bee!” Without a doubt, bees are busy, busy, busy. They eat and work. All day long they eat nectar, pollinate, and make honey. Bees work hard, and they are faithful to their calling. Throughout the Bible we learn that work brings to us a sense of joy, satisfaction, dignity, and respect. We are also encouraged, even commanded, to labor faithfully, honestly, and fruitfully with a view to please God more than those in authority over us. Diligence receives praise while idleness draws rebuke. If we neglect our affairs and responsibilities, we will not only not prosper, but we will go backward. “And your poverty will come in like a vagabond. And your need like an armed man.” Hard work and integrity is something that has gone unappreciated in our get rich quick society. Solomon has some wise words for those who seek virtue in the vanity of wealth. Let us aspire to work hard, with responsibility, honesty, diligence, and faithfulness. Great rewards await the faithful servant.
Though we are taught more than the beasts of the earth and made wiser than the birds of the air, there is much wisdom to be gained from even the tiniest of insects. When we observe the wonderful ways and works of those creatures, we must not only give God the glory for their creation, but in humility and awe, receive lessons from the bees. God Bless.
By: Vanzetta Williams and Kingdom Kid