
The Catfish

We all encounter people that cause us stress, grief, pain and anger. Just about everyday we will encoun-ter someone, or something someone has done, that gets us worked up to some extent. And often times it's a person we have had to deal with before. If not the actual person, then it's the problem they caused we have to deal with. It could be a friend or a coworker. You're stuck in traffic and already late, or in my case, the kitchen keeps shorting me on my issue. I'm sure each person reading this has some problem they could add that was caused by someone in life, which is very true as most of our problems can be traced back to someone in one way or another. How many times have we thought, even said, “My life would be a lot better if this person was-n't in it.” I'm sure we could all smile at that truth.

This is not the solution it appears to be. True, by removing someone they will no longer be the cause of your trouble but in time someone else will be. There are two points I'd like to discuss. First, people are not really our problem. And second, the people and problems we encounter have a purpose. I know for some there's a small voice saying, “Yeah they have a purpose alright, to piss me off!” For those of you hearing it I encourage you to rebuke it. To the first point, the problem is not us and them, (oh yes, best believe you and I have been or are someone's problem!) it is the force behind. “The spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph. 6:12) Satan's “go-to” deception is to take your eyes off the cause of the problem and put them on the effect it is having. In doing this he keeps us thrown off as we wage war in the flesh and away from God our solution instead of waging war with the cause in the spiritual through the Word and prayer. We become instead entangled in the effects, resorting to what the flesh does best—make a mess.

Whenever we encounter someone or something someone has done that gets us worked up we need to remember “we walk in the flesh but do not war according to the flesh” (2 Cor. 10: 3-4) Then, having realized this truth, allow it to change, not just your perspective but also your process. Instead of acting a fool, go to God. He tells us “Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.” (Matt. 6:33) Albeit the context of this passage is talking about the necessities in life, the fruits of the spirit definitely qualify.

Now to the second point. I want to use what I recently learned about the catfish and the codfish. The codfish is a bottom dweller that lives mostly in the North Atlantic. Aside from being a bony fish they are real tasty. Like most fish the fresher they are the better they taste. The problem with the codfish is when you take them out of their natural habitat and place them in a tank until you are ready to filet and cook them, they be-come very dormant and still. This causes the meat to become mushy as they need to move to stay healthy. This is where the catfish comes in. You see the catfish preys on the codfish as it is also a bottom dweller. So by placing a few catfish in a tank with a bunch of codfish it creates a problem for the codfish and keeps them on alert and moving. Now the codfish, like a lot of us, only sees the catfish as the problem but as with our prob-lems there's more to it. Just as the fishermen use the catfish to preserve the quality of the meat, the Lord also allows people, and their problem, to refine us and help us to conform more to His image. Even though it may not always be apparent. Often times when we encounter problems that cause disappointment, frustration, trag-edy, heartache and suffering we wonder what good can come from it. This is where the truth in Romans 8:28 gives us not only the answer but it strengthens our faith and hope in the sovereignty of the Almighty God. Whatever God allows in our lives is to fulfill a greater purpose - His glory in our lives. Our lives are not con-trolled by luck, choice or fate but by our wonderful sovereign God, who is too loving to be unkind and too wise to err. So the next time a catfish comes along remember the fight is spiritual, as is the purpose. God bless James 1: 3-4 Romans 5: 3-5m

Song of the month: Jackie Hill “I Just Wanna Get There”

1 Corinthians 16:23-24

Kingdom Kid