Tripple S Challenge
Prison is filled with people from all walks of life. Aside from all the differences in who we are and how we ended up here, there is one thing we all share and that is prison life. Prison life for the most part is a culture that is filed with negativity and violence. Just like society not all people in prison are promoters and followers of this demoralizing culture, which is for many a way of life and all they know. One of the biggest problems, aside from the violence is he use of profanity. Profanity is a problem because it influences the way we are seen and ultimately treated. The act that it is so prevalent reflects not only how we see ourselves but how we see our fellow man. On any given day at least 75% of the conversations being held are filled with the use of profanity. Given that this is pretty much the norm it comes from both officers and offenders. Truth is told most people who use profanity call it a bad habit. I take from this that most would like to stop, but you know what they say "old habits are hard to break". This is where we come in. There's a philosophy that one of my favorite pastors uses to help people to overcome struggles and to help better themselves. It's called “Triple S". The three s's are: struggles, similarities, and strengths. This is how it works. By admitting our own struggles publicly we begin to transparent and by choosing to embrace humility rather than pride, we give others the opportunity to identify with similar struggles of their own. It is through this that we gain strength in sharing a similar struggle to overcome and help someone help us. The fact remains that we share more in common than we like to admit. The sooner we accept this truth the sooner we can help one another. Humility builds character and even though the building begins with self, it doesn't have to end there. So this is my challenge. To everyone reading this who is struggling with profanity or you know someone who is struggling with profanity and would like to better themselves, cut off the sign below and place it in front of door for a year. By doing this you are publicly admitting your flaws, you are professing a desire to better honor God, your brother and yourself. Lastly you are allowing others that share this same struggle to be encouraged in the fact, that they are not alone in their struggles. In Mark 12:30-31, Jesus tells us that "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" what better way to show love to your neighbor than self-sacrifice. This is a win for everyone. When we make ourselves available the Lord will use us. This challenge is not limited to us in prison. This sign can easily be placed on anyone's bulletin board, office door, or any place that it can be seen by others. The key words are "l am trying...” This is what we are publicly professing to the world. Letting them know that we are not perfect but we are trying to better honor the Lord in how we speak. I encourage everyone to take the year challenge not only for self, but to help encourage your fellow brother and sister. I also encourage you to pray for strength so that you along with them may endure the change. May the Lord bless and keep all of you. Colossians 3:8 and Romans 12:1-2.
Song of the month: Uncle Reece, Joseph, Job and David
With love in Christ,
Kingdom Kid