
God Knows My Heart

We often will say, in an attempt to vindicate ourselves saying or doing something wicked, “I know I say this and do that but, God knows my heart!” Well according to the word of God, so do those around you. In Matthew 12:34 we learn this truth, “You brood of Vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For out of the mouth speaks that which fills the heart.” The heart will express what it is filled with. A heart filled with wickedness will express itself in blasphemy, bitterness, hate, filth, and abuse; all the things contrary to the spirit. (Galatians 5:17-21) A heart that is filled with the righteousness that is Jesus will be evidenced by the words we speak, and ultimately in the way we live. This is the fruit of the Spirit. (Galations 5:22, Matthews 7:17-18) The word heart in v. 34 comes from the Greek word Kardis. Which is where we get the word cardiac. It is used figuratively in the New Testament to reflect our thoughts and feelings. The heart is the seat of the desires, feelings, affections, passions, and impulses we have. “For out of the mouth speaks that which fills the heart” i.e. that which fills our desires, feelings, affections, impulses. Remember the old saying “You are what you eat”. If we fill our hearts with filth, whether it be through people, places, or things, then it will be evi-denced in the things we say and do, but on the contrary, if we fill our hearts with the word of God, prayer time, and seeking relationship and recreation with people, places and things that are not profane and sinful, then this will be evidenced in the things we say and do. “Do not be decieved: Bad company corrupts good morals” 1 Corinthians 15:33 It is inevitable, the people, places and things we partake will affect us. Which is exactly why we are warned “Do not be partakers with them” Ephesians 5:7 Instead of keeping company with darkness we as Christians must keep company with light, Jesus. “For then we will be adequate, equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:1-17. We were born to manifest the glory of God but if we are not adequate and equipped how can we manifest the glory of God that is Jesus Christ.

In getting to the next part of this piece I can't help but think about the ugly truth in the saying “God Knows My Heart.” It is so true. God does know our hearts, which is why, out of love, He sent his son to die for it. (John 3:16 Genesis 8:21) So it can be sprinkled clean and renewed in the spirt of righteousness that is Jesus (Hebrews 10:22) The purpose of this piece is not only to point out that our words and actions are a re-flection of our heart but to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus. In Matthew 11:28-29 the word tells us “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and lean upon me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.” So what is the word tell-ing us? Let's start with “Come to Me”. Here Jesus is inviting us to believe and receive the gift of salvation which is Jesus. “Take my yoke upon you” This means we enter into the control of the spirit. Next He says, and this is key to the life of a believer, “Learn from me.”

As we give Him control and acknowledge His lead in our lives, spending time in the word and prayer, building the relationship, He teaches us His ways. (Deuteronomy 13:4, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 143 10-11, Proverbs 3:5-8 Ephesians 4:20-24, Collossians 3:10) This is the renewal of our hearts into the likeness of God's glory, Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 3:18) and finally we cross the finish line “And you shall find the rest for your souls.” This eternal rest is found only in Jesus Christ as we receive him His spirit of righteousness. Eternal rest cannot be found through the desires of the flesh and the temporal things of this world. Jesus loves you and wants to be with you in eternity but you have to come to him. He will not make you love Him for that for that is not true love. It's up to us to choose. This Christmas I want to encourage you to accept the gift of salvation that will give you the love, hope, joy and eternal rest that He has promised. May you have a Merry Christmas and it is my prayer that you choose to let Jesus hold your hand and walk with you into 2016. God bless.

Song of the month: “How Can It Be” - Lauryn Dajegel.

1 Corinthians 16:23-24

Kingdom Kid