
GPS God's Perfect System

The GPS is one of the best inventions of the twentieth century. Nowadays you can find a GPS in most cars, trucks and even boats. The GPS can also be downloaded to your cell phone. So whether you're driving, fishing or walking the GPS can help you find almost any destination in which you seek. The GPS is not perfect tho. It doesn't always provide the easiest or safest way to travel. Because of this, and maybe a little pride, a lot of people, mostly men, choose not to use the GPS. As a result of this they sometimes get lost and end up being late getting to the person, place or thing they were going to. Getting lost is something we all can relate to. This is why the GPS was created. Getting lost isn't limited to the streets, sidewalks and seas tho. Often in life we are faced with directions that just don't seem right. I'm so grateful that as a Christian, God has created me a GPS. My GPS, or God's Perfect System, is far more advanced than any GPS man could make.

Psalm 48:14 Says “He will be our guide forever” The Bible is God's Perfect System, our go to whenever we need direction on where to go or help in deciding what to do. The devil is always creating new roads in this world that only lead to destruction and damnation. Before we decide to travel down a new road we should first log into our GPS and make sure we are going the right way. In Matthew 4:10-11 we learn that the easiest way is not always the best way. The best way, the only way, is to follow the coordinates provided by the GPS, God's Perfect System. Do you rely on the GPS He has designed for us, or are you still trying to find your own way? If you are tired of being lost...

GPS: “What is your destination please?”
You: “The Kingdom”

The GPS is now locked in to the Kingdom and the cruise control is on God speed.
For all those still lost the lights are on high beam,
The flesh and the law are in the rearview,
His mercy and grace are riding shotgun,
Faithful and true under the hood and the tanks filled with Christ's love,
On the road of redemption up ahead lies salvation …

GPS: “40 more feet till the Kingdom your final destination”

Song of Month: Lecrae, “Walk With Me” By: Devin B.