Part 3 - 12-17-18
Title: Experiencing the Son in Stormy Weather pt. 3
Teacher: Brother Bennett
Premise: Being the channel through which blessings flow.
Attendance: 5
Scripture Reference: 1 Peter 3:13-16;
Good Morning Saints.
Let's turn in our Bibles to 1 Peter 3; let us read verses 8 through 16. In the last two weeks, we have been discussing how to experience the Son more being the channel through which his blessings flow. Our first point was 1) You must cherish your family. We used the virtues found in verse 8 to show how we do this. Our second point was 2) You must confront your foes. In looking at verses 9-12, we learned not to return evil, not to repeat evil, and not to respect evil. This week we will wrap up this message with point 3) You must communicate your faith. Today we will be focusing on verses 13-16. Let us read those before we begin. We must keep in mind this letter is addressed to churches in Asia Minor experiencing persecution. Peter is reminding them of their heavenly hope and eternal inheritance, so that they, so that we, would be strengthened to persevere in the midst of suffering. We can see this throughout this letter. Peter is teaching the children of God how they are to conduct themselves, not only while suffering but especially in the midst of suffering and persecution. He emphasized that we as believers are called to holiness, and a life of love. 2 Timothy 3:1-4:8; (read) there are a lot of points being made here that are also being made in 1 Peter 3:13-16, Both of these letters were written concerning times of persecution; both give instruction in how we are to conduct ourselves as Christian, and both speak of the blessed reward. Let's get to our first point. You must communicate your faith by 1) Demonstrating your faith, 1 Peter 3:13, (read) “If you became followers of what is good?” Verse 14; “If you should suffer for the sake of righteousness…” To follow what is right to suffer for it, it is without question, you must believe in the person, place, or thing you are suffering for.
Dear brothers, it is only in the faith of Jesus Christ that we can suffer for the faith of Jesus Chris. 2 Timothy 3:14-15; Philippians 4.9; (read),
Demonstrating your faith is telling those around you that your ultimate trust is in Almighty God.
Faith is the demonstration of our trustful response to Gods Word; His self-revelation in Jesus Christ. John 1:14, (read “We behold his glory.” The context here is of the divine character, moral glory. This verse also tells us. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” the word “dwelt.” used here means tabernacle. His body was the tabernacle in which He lived among them. We, as believers, now have this glory inside us. John 14:25-26; 16:13-15; 1 John 2:27 (read) Demonstrating your faith is following what is good, trusting in God's correction, and his instruction. God, rich in love, mercy, and wisdom, not only points out what is wrong but sets forth how it can be made right. Proverbs 3:5-6, 2 Timothy 3:14-15, (read“Which can give you the wisdom that leads to Salvation…” Salvation here means the deliverance from sin and spiritual consequences; this is the same context used in Philippians 2:12-16; (read)… “Work at your salvation…” Salvation is the solution to our problems. The Salvation spoken of here is not that of the soul but deliverance from the snares, which hinder us from doing the will of God, “being followers of what is good” the demonstration of your faith. Before we get into our next point, I again want to point out that Peter is writing to Christians in times of persecution. When he says in Verse 13, “Who is there to harm you,” he is not saying persecution and physical harm cannot happen. Martyrs throughout history are evidence that godly men can face persecution and that sometimes that can mean death. Peter is encouraging them to keep their eyes on the one that can and will keep them through this difficult time. Hebrews 10:35; Matthew 10:28; (read). By keeping our eyes on Him, not relying on our own understanding, but in Jesus, our confidence. It as been said, “we fear man so much because we fear God so little.” Our next point, You must communicate your faith by 2) Defending your faith; 1 Peter 3:15; “Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense.” Notice it says “always being ready.” We must recognize the order here, their acknowledgment of Jesus, as we demonstrate our faith, begs them to ask who he is. If our faith is not demonstrated, then what do we have to defend? And to go a step further. If we do not sanctify Christ as Lord in our own heart, how will the world see him? If we do not trust him if we do not reverence him, how can we expect the world to? Matthew 5:16 (read) Jesus is our example. We are called to sanctify the Lord Jesus Christ, just as Almighty God has exalted Him.
*(In Strong’s Concordance)
Philippians 2:19-11; (read); God exalted him so the world would reverence him as the Living God. The king of kings and Lord of Lords. We sanctify him and reverence him when our conduct, our very lives, invites and encourages them to glorify and honor him. This must begin with us 1 Peter 3:15; (read). The word “Sanctify” comes from the Greek word hagee-adzo* (37) meaning to make holy and to set apart for God. This word is the opposite of Kaynos *(28:39) which means common and is translated as unclean. Christ is to be Lord of our hearts. For you and I to be the example of Christ Jesus. Christ, Jesus must first be the example in our hearts.
Psalm 119:11-12 (read). To reverence the Lord means to make him the Sovereign of our lives.
All we do and say should be in his will, for His glory and pleasure. I Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 1:10; (read); The Lordship of Christ should dominate every area of our lives. 1 Peter 3-15 (read) “…but Sanctify Christ as Lord in your heart” Let’s turn to Daniel Chapter 1 verses 3-9, “But Daniel set upon his heat that he would not defile himself…” (define means to soil or pollute.) Daniel’s Sanctifying God before others was done in reverence and faith. Leviticus 11-47; (read); Daniel trusted in God and acted accordingly, However radical, extreme or holier than he and his actions may have seemed. What was the result of Daniels's obedience in reverence and faith, verse 9 tells us, “now God granted Daniel favor…” Daniel is defending his faith by protecting it. It is painful to reflect on how many things of this world are designed to hinder the daily death of the flesh. As we daily draw closer to the Lord spiritually, the familiarity of the world tries to pull us back. God told Daniel this was not good, and therefore he defended against it.
Let us ask ourselves, what daily ration of the world are we unwilling to set apart from God?
What person, place, or thing do we willingly subject ourselves to even they are profane, do not edify, and are not pleasing to Jesus? 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; (read) are these things profitable?
Profitable for your decrease and his increase? 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; Proverbs 14:9 (read): We are no to judge the people of the world, but we are to judge the type of people, places and things we willingly subject ourselves to. Our flesh wants badly to accept most of Christ and the same of the world, but this is a lie. Matthew 6:24. It sells the concept so well. “The Bible tells me not to murder, lie, cheat, steal-gossip, lust, use profane language, and fornicate; it does not say I cannot enjoy other people doing these things. I mean, let us keep it all the way real here, isn’t this why we share ourselves, I mean Jesus, with these things? These things do not grieve us. Share us or anger us; these things entertain us. We think its funny, we can relate to the behaviors we see, of which we should now be ashamed. Dear brothers, these things fan the carnal, fleshly desires, and passions living inside us. The very things we are called to sanctify daily. Romans 15:14; 2 Timothy 2:21; 1 Peter 3:11, (read) “fools make a mock of sin, will not believe. It has a fearful dagger up its sleeve. How can it be “they say” that such a thing? So full of sweetness err should wear such a sting?” We want all of Jesus and just a little bit of the world. Which is cool, right. I mean, we are still saved and going to heaven. No, not cool! We are talking about experiencing the Son in stormy weather, being the channel through which his blessings flow. We are not talking about the eternal state of our Salvation. However, if some of these things we are discussing describe you, then you may want to check your relationship with Jesus. Dear brothers, “we must sanctify Christ as Lord in our hearts, always being ready to make a defense…” The point I’m trying to make is this. It is as we sanctify the Lord in our hearts that we are living by faith. We only Sanctify the Lord by trusting in his word. You trust in his word by living by it, and it is as we learn to live by it, the light of life that is Christ Jesus shines I John 1:1-2; You must communicate your faith by demonstrating your faith, by defending your faith and lastly you must communicate your faith by declaring your faith. 1 Peter 3:15 (read). The word of God is a great sword but a terrible club 2 Timothy 2:24-26; (read) The mere we follow what is good, demonstrating our faith; the faster and further we will flee from that which is evil, defending our faith, which leads to declaring our faith Luke 8:16-18; (read) we must communicate our faith, we must give the instruction for the direction in us they see. We cannot be so quick to assume the world knows or understands. Whenever we encounter the last, we must declare our faith to them in same way. They see our demonstrating of the faith, but we must also speak the word to them, for it is the word that contains life. John 1:4; A lot will attempt, and in their own minds, reduce the power of God’s word in our lives to merely a change. Something they can do for they are a man just like you and I. The problem with this is it is not you or I producing the change its Holy Spirit using the living Word of God. We must declare our faith bodily, always pointing the world to the power of faith, love, and hope that lives inside us. Jesus Christ. John 14:10 (read) Again, Jesus Christ is the example. He pointed the world to the father; we must point people to him. We must declare them the word in deed and in speech. We must keep our eyes on Jesus when we do, we will experience him more and more, and through this, we can be a blessing to others.