

Precious Lord,

Bless the Lord of my soul; bless the Lord who redeemeth our lives from destruction.

Bless the Lord who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies.

Bless the Lord who teaches us his way, guides us aright, and keeps us from our own way.

Bless the Lord who impresses His word upon our conscience both when we read the word to ourselves and when we listen to the preaching of the word.

Help us to keep our eyes on thee — the High Priest of priests.

We thank you for the solemnity in each day that helps us to draw closer to you.

Teach us, O Lord, to Rest peacefully in your providential love and care.

We thank you for coming to be our living water and for helping us to delight in sharing the water of life with others.

We thank you, Lord, for being our substitute and the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.

We thank you always in your precious name — A’ men

By: Justin H. Underwood