
What Does it mean to be Mature in Christ

Philippians 3:12-15
1. Encouragement V.12-15
2. Example V.16-19
3. Expectations V . 20-21

1) Encouragement Phil. 3- 12-15
There are several words of encouragement in these four verses for believers. We see this encouragement in words like "press on" and "reaching forward". Because these are verbs, we naturally associate them to the physical, and to an extent that is accurate, but as is with most things in the word of God, the implications and revelations are spiritual. Which is why the greatest encouragement is found in the promise of v. 15 where we read "God will reveal that also to you." You see, the ques-tion isn't can I know the will of God, it's do I want to know the will of God. Obedience is the organ of spiritual knowledge(John 7:17). In v. 15 we see Paul recognizing the different levels of spiritual maturity and conviction in the lives of believers, encouraging them to continue to "press on" and "reaching forward" in faith and obedience, for "God will reveal that to you also." Our encouragement is to "press on" toward maturity in Christ Jesus by being an example of his example to the world. What a great encouragement it is to know as believers we can know the will of the Father. The question is do you want to? (Luke 22:42)

2) Example Phil. 3:16-19
As we move into the next area of our study the encouragement continues. In v.16 the encouragement is to "Keep living by the same standard (or example) to which we have attained" So what is the example? God's example, or standard has always been holiness (1 Peter 1:6-17.) We are to be examples of holiness to the world. In v.17 we are told by Paul to "follow my ex-ample." We as believers are examples for the world to follow, just as we follow Christ. We are to be known and read by all men (Hebrews 12:13, 1 Peter 2:12). Paul is telling us in v.17 “to follow his example and to observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us." Talk about accountability! Everyone is an example for someone, so we must be careful of the example we set. Luke 17: 1-2 emphasizes the power and responsibility our example has in the lives of others, and it brings us to the other type of example. In v 18-19 we are given descriptions of bad examples. These descriptions are:

- people whose God is their belly or appetite (Romans 16:18). A person that lives just for their appetite who does whatever feels good, is very similar to an animal. If we take an honest look at our gorging, garments, and gadgets we will see who our gods are.

-people whose glory is in their shame (Isaiah 5:20, Ephesians 5:12). A person that does wrong then writes a code to justify it. The code for an artist that sings sexually provocative or profane lyrics is "its only entertainment." The code for fornication is "everyone does it." The code for abortion is "it's my choice." The code for same sex marriage is "love" (Romans 16:19b).

- A person whose mind is on earthy things (Matthew 16-23). The center of their world is the world. We as believers are com-manded to set our minds on heavenly, spiritual, and eternal things ( Colossians 3:2). And this brings us to the last part of the study.

3) Expectation Phil. 3; 20-21
Colossians 3:2 is a great bridge to the last part of our study as believers and citizens of the kingdom is heavenly, spiritual, and eternal. The word hope comes from the Greek word el-pid'-zo - meaning expectation. The word hope in the NT is a sure thing that will happen at an unexpected time (1 Peter 1:3). In verse 20 we read "we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. The words "wait for" come from the Greek word ap-ek-dekh-om-ahee - meaning to expect fully. It literally means to thrust forward the head and neck as in anxious expectation of hearing or seeing something - or in believer's case, someone. The context of this is not in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense we can hear and see the Lord Jesus coming. Luke: 10:23-24 helps us understand this better. Jesus is talking about spiritual sight. There were people seeing miracles in the physical yet unable to see them spiritually. The King and prophets of old saw spiritually, just like the blessed spiritual eyes of the disciples. It is with these same eyes and hope we eagerly wait for his second coming. John 8:56 tells us "Abraham rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad" as are we as believers! Amen. In verse 21 we learn "our lowly body will be conformed with the body of his glory." Our earthly is not all that it should be, can be for our lowly body, a body of humiliation, is subject to wrinkles, scars, pain, suffering, sickness and death. But when Lord Jesus comes He will transform our earthly body in to a heavenly body, "a body of his glory" (1 Corinthians 15: 48-50). He will transform our body with the same divine power He will later use to "subdue all things to Himself. "For our Lord is able to save (Hebrews 7:25), able to aid (Hebrews 2:18), able to keep (Jude 24,) in all the ways we need. He is our encouragement, our example, and our expectation, forever and ever. He will be these things even to death (Psalm 48:14). It is my prayer this study will enrich and equip you in the ways He knows you need. God Bless.

Bible Study 11-28-2016
The Dog Pen Church in Christ
By: Kingdom Kid