
True Freedom

What constitutes freedom or imprisonment? Do you actually have to be in jail to be imprisoned? If you’re not in prison, does it mean that you are truly free? In Acts 16:23-34, we learn that Paul and Silas have been thrown into prison for trying to help a demon possessed girl. If there was ever a time to say things aren’t always what they seem, this would be it! So, here we have Paul and Silas, who have basically been thrown under the jail, and we have this Roman guard assigned to keep watch. The guard can come and go as he pleases, but is he really free? Are Paul and Silas really the ones in this story who are imprisoned?

The world would declare that the Roman guard is the one who is free, but this is not the case. Yes, Paul and Silas are physically imprisoned, but their souls and spirits are soaring in salvation. This is the difference between these men, Paul and Silas have the assurance of salvation and true freedom in Jesus Christ. Hebrews 10:35 tells us, “Do not there-fore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward.” When the earthquake opened those cell doors, the guard was terrified at the mere thought that prisoners might escape. He was so terrified, in fact, that he drew his sword to take his own life.

The next part of this story makes me think of Romans 8:28, “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God and who are called according to his purpose.” So often in life we see tragic things happen, and we ask God why. Paul and Silas were helping save a girl from demonic spirits and as a result, were thrown into prison. But like so many things we look at in life, it’s often the things we don’t see that say it all, and that is, “all things work to-gether for good.” God’s glory, his will, is not conditioned on events, but rather events are a condition of his glory. It’s what I like to call synergistic sovereignty.

Let’s apply it to the same story. Paul and Silas have both been imprisoned for doing the very work that God sent them to do in the world. So, this is a messed up situation, right? Remember Romans 8:28, “all things.” Paul and Silas, with the power of the Holy Spirit, stopped the Roman guard from taking his own life, and, here it comes, introduced him to the confidence and true freedom that comes with faith and salvation. “All things work together for good!” Like so many reading this, I wish it was always so easy to see.

Let’s go back to the focal point of this scripture though. Today, so many people are imprisoned by worry, greed, prestige and power. Everyday people, like myself for so many years, believe they can find freedom in things of this world, but this is a warped and worldly perspective. True freedom is the gift of salvation and salvation is a gift of faith in Jesus Christ. You could lose everyone and everything, be sitting on death row, a thousand miles from home and still be filled with joy and freedom through faith in Jesus Christ. Now that is True Freedom!

Song of the month: Mouthpiece, “Dave Chapelle”

By, Kingdom Kid