Blessed Lord-the Source of Our Salvation,
We ask that you continue to feed our urge and our thirst to be near you and to increase in you as we decrease in self.
Teach us to rely on you for all things no matter how small or great.
Teach us to be patient yet persistent, hungry yet not overindulging, humble yet bold in sharing our daily bread.
Heal us, O Lord, in all the ways we need and restore us to a proper state through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We ask that you keep us safe from all the world’s harm and deliver us from the evil that lurks all around us.
We ask that you watch over our families, our friends, our brothers and sisters in Christ, and even our enemies.
We ask that you provide us all with all the necessities to sustain us and to help others who are in need.
We thank you, heavenly Father, for your love, grace, and mercy through the virtue of Jesus for whom, and by whom all things are possible — A’ men
By: Justin H. Underwood